avoid conflict 意味

  • 対立{たいりつ}を避ける


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. at the beginning , japan tried to avoid conflict through diplomatic efforts .
  2. while hidehira carried out yoritomo ' s demands faithfully , he judged it impossible to avoid conflict with kamakura any more .
  3. it is said that sotan was sent to daitoku-ji temple in order to avoid conflict concerning the succession of the family estate , because his father shoan was rikyu ' s second wife ' s son by a previous marriage .
  4. there were some movements in support of munetake tokugawa , the second son who was more intelligent than the sickly ieshige , or munetada tokugawa , the fourth son , for the new shogun , but it is said that yoshimune dared to choose ieshige in order to avoid conflict between munetake and munetada over the post of shogun .
  5. in general , japanese people think that a modest attitude of keeping down self-assertiveness is a virtue , and have a concept of ' harmony ' of trying to avoid conflict with surrounding people , and therefore , japanese people have customs and etiquette in human relationships which are unique and are not owned by other races .


        avoid an interpersonal conflict:    対人関係{たいじん かんけい}[人間関係{にんげん かんけい}]の対立{たいりつ}[衝突{しょうとつ}]を避ける
        avoid conflict in communicating:    コミュニケーション摩擦{まさつ}を避ける
        avoid conflict with one's friends:    友達との争いを避ける
        avoid direct conflict with:    ~との直接{ちょくせつ}の衝突{しょうとつ}を避ける
        scrupulously avoid any conflict of interest in:    細心{さいしん}の注意{ちゅうい}を払って~での利害{りがい}の衝突{しょうとつ}を避ける
        avoid causing a conflict of interest in investigations over regular criminal cases:    通常事件捜査{つうじょう じけん そうさ}への影響{えいきょう}を避ける
        a conflict:    a conflict 繋争 けいそう
        conflict:     1conflict n. 戦い, 争い; 衝突, 対立, 矛盾; 〔心理〕 葛藤; 〔法律〕 抵触(ていしょく). 【動詞+】 A hurried compromise averted open conflict. 急いだ妥協があからさまな対立を避けた avoid (a) conflict as far as possible できるだけ衝突を避ける Su
        conflict with:    ~と衝突する、~にぶつかる、~と対立する、~に抵触する、(時期が)~とかちあう、~と矛盾{むじゅん}する、食い違う、相いれない、~との相剋{そうこく}を生む The drawings conflict with the specifications. 図面が仕様書と食い違っている。 Can I reschedule the meeting with you? It is conflicting
        in conflict:    in conflict 相容れない 相入れない あいいれない
        in conflict with:    ~と衝突{しょうとつ}[対立{たいりつ}?論争{ろんそう}?矛盾{むじゅん}]して、~と戦って、~と紛争中で、~に抵触して、~と相いれない、~とあつれきがあって
        to be in conflict with:    to be in conflict with 搗ち合う かち合う かちあう
        to conflict:    to conflict 掛け違う かけちがう
        avoid:     avoid v. 避ける. 【副詞1】 I barely avoided a tree . もうちょっとで木に車をぶつけるところだった Sprays containing this substance are better avoided. この物質を含むスプレーは避けるがよい She carefully avoided replying to that
        to avoid:    to avoid 斎む いむ 躱す かわす 避く さく 交す 交わす かわす 免れる まぬかれる まぬがれる


  1. "avoid company" 意味
  2. "avoid competition" 意味
  3. "avoid complacency" 意味
  4. "avoid complications" 意味
  5. "avoid concern and confusion among depositors" 意味
  6. "avoid conflict in communicating" 意味
  7. "avoid conflict with one's business associates" 意味
  8. "avoid conflict with one's friends" 意味
  9. "avoid conflicts" 意味
  10. "avoid complications" 意味
  11. "avoid concern and confusion among depositors" 意味
  12. "avoid conflict in communicating" 意味
  13. "avoid conflict with one's business associates" 意味

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